26 research outputs found

    Special Holonomy and Two-Dimensional Supersymmetric Sigma-Models

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    Two-dimensional sigma-models describing superstrings propagating on manifolds of special holonomy are characterized by symmetries related to covariantly constant forms that these manifolds hold, which are generally non-linear and close in a field dependent sense. The thesis explores various aspects of the special holonomy symmetries.Comment: PhD thesis, 149 pages; King's College London, 200

    Two-Dimensional Supersymmetric Sigma Models on Almost-Product Manifolds and Non-Geometry

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    We show that the superconformal symmetries of the (1,1) sigma model decompose into a set of more refined symmetries when the target space admits projectors P±P_{\pm}, and the orthogonal complements Q±Q_{\pm}, covariantly constant with respect to the two natural torsionful connections (±)\nabla^{(\pm)} that arise in the sigma model. Surprisingly the new symmetries still close to form copies of the superconformal algebra, even when the projectors are not integrable, so one is able to define a superconformal theory not associated with a particular geometry, but rather with non-integrable projectors living on a larger manifold. We show that this notion of non-geometry encompasses the locally non-geometric examples that arise in the T-duality inspired doubled formulations, with the benefit that it is more generally applicable, as it does not depend on the existence of isometries, or invariant structures beyond P±P_{\pm} and Q±Q_{\pm}. We derive the conditions for (2,2) supersymmetry in the projective sense, thus extending the relation between (2,2) theories and bi-Hermitian target spaces to the non-geometric setting. In the bosonic subsector we propose a BRST type approach to defining the physical degrees of freedom in the non-geometric scenario.Comment: 27 pages; version published in Classical and Quantum Gravity (excluding the BV appendix

    Covariantly constant forms on torsionful geometries from world-sheet and spacetime perspectives

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    The symmetries of two-dimensional supersymmetric sigma models on target spaces with covariantly constant forms associated to special holonomy groups are analysed. It is shown that each pair of such forms gives rise to a new one, called a Nijenhuis form, and that there may be further reductions of the structure group. In many cases of interest there are also covariantly constant one-forms which also give rise to symmetries. These geometries are of interest in the context of heterotic supergravity solutions and the associated reductions are studied from a spacetime point of view via the Killing spinor equations.Comment: 33 pages, minor modifications, version published in JHE

    Time Evolution and Deterministic Optimisation of Correlator Product States

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    We study a restricted class of correlator product states (CPS) for a spin-half chain in which each spin is contained in just two overlapping plaquettes. This class is also a restriction upon matrix product states (MPS) with local dimension 2n2^n (nn being the size of the overlapping regions of plaquettes) equal to the bond dimension. We investigate the trade-off between gains in efficiency due to this restriction against losses in fidelity. The time-dependent variational principle formulated for these states is numerically very stable. Moreover, it shows significant gains in efficiency compared to the naively related matrix product states - the evolution or optimisation scales as 23n2^{3n} for the correlator product states versus 24n2^{4n} for the unrestricted matrix product state. However, much of this advantage is offset by a significant reduction in fidelity. Correlator product states break the local Hilbert space symmetry by the explicit selection of a local basis. We investigate this dependence in detail and formulate the broad principles under which correlator product states may be a useful tool. In particular, we find that scaling with overlap/bond order may be more stable with correlator product states allowing a more efficient extraction of critical exponents - we present an example in which the use of correlator product states is several orders of magnitude quicker than matrix product states.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    Compact Neural Networks based on the Multiscale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz

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    This paper demonstrates a method for tensorizing neural networks based upon an efficient way of approximating scale invariant quantum states, the Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz (MERA). We employ MERA as a replacement for the fully connected layers in a convolutional neural network and test this implementation on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. The proposed method outperforms factorization using tensor trains, providing greater compression for the same level of accuracy and greater accuracy for the same level of compression. We demonstrate MERA layers with 14000 times fewer parameters and a reduction in accuracy of less than 1% compared to the equivalent fully connected layers, scaling like O(N).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Particles, holes and solitons: a matrix product state approach

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    We introduce a variational method for calculating dispersion relations of translation invariant (1+1)-dimensional quantum field theories. The method is based on continuous matrix product states and can be implemented efficiently. We study the critical Lieb-Liniger model as a benchmark and excelent agreement with the exact solution is found. Additionally, we observe solitonic signatures of Lieb's Type II excitation. In addition, a non-integrable model is introduced where a U(1)-symmetry breaking term is added to the Lieb-Liniger Hamiltonian. For this model we find evidence of a non-trivial bound-state excitation in the dispersion relation

    Quantum Gross-Pitaevskii Equation

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    We introduce a non-commutative generalization of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for one-dimensional quantum gasses and quantum liquids. This generalization is obtained by applying the time-dependent variational principle to the variational manifold of continuous matrix product states. This allows for a full quantum description of many body system ---including entanglement and correlations--- and thus extends significantly beyond the usual mean-field description of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is known to fail for (quasi) one-dimensional systems. By linearizing around a stationary solution, we furthermore derive an associated generalization of the Bogoliubov -- de Gennes equations. This framework is applied to compute the steady state response amplitude to a periodic perturbation of the potential.Comment: 4.{\epsilon} pages + references and 4 pages supplementary material (small revisions + extended discussion of periodic potential example

    Conformal data from finite entanglement scaling

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    In this paper, we apply the formalism of translation invariant (continuous) matrix product states in the thermodynamic limit to (1+1)-dimensional critical models. Finite bond dimension bounds the entanglement entropy and introduces an effective finite correlation length, so that the state is perturbed away from criticality. The assumption that the scaling hypothesis holds for this kind of perturbation is known in the literature as finite entanglement scaling. We provide further evidence for the validity of finite entanglement scaling and based on this formulate a scaling algorithm to estimate the central charge and critical exponents of the conformally invariant field theories describing the critical models under investigation. The algorithm is applied to three exemplary models; the cMPS version to the nonrelativistic Lieb-Liniger model and the relativistic massless boson, and MPS version to the one-dimensional quantum Ising model at the critical point. Another new aspect to our approach is that we directly use the (c)MPS induced correlation length rather than the bond dimension as scaling parameter. This choice is motivated by several theoretical arguments as well as by the remarkable accuracy of our results

    Conformal data from finite entanglement scaling

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    In this paper, we apply the formalism of translation invariant (continuous) matrix product states in the thermodynamic limit to (1 + 1)-dimensional critical models. Finite bond dimension bounds the entanglement entropy and introduces an effective finite correlation length, so that the state is perturbed away from criticality. The assumption that the scaling hypothesis holds for this kind of perturbation is known in the literature as finite entanglement scaling. We provide further evidence for the validity of finite entanglement scaling and based on this formulate a scaling algorithm to estimate the central charge and critical exponents of the conformally invariant field theories describing the critical models under investigation. The algorithm is applied to three exemplary models; the cMPS version to the nonrelativistic Lieb-Liniger model and the relativistic massless boson, and MPS version to the one-dimensional quantum Ising model at the critical point. Another new aspect to our approach is that we directly use the (c)MPS induced correlation length rather than the bond dimension as scaling parameter. This choice is motivated by several theoretical arguments as well as by the remarkable accuracy of our results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft